Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Happiness Only real when Shared...

Into the Wild, Passion, Privilege

McCandless, travelled to find his meaning of happiness and what it is to feel it. He came from a wealthy family and could have anything he wanted if he pleased, but that was not happiness to him. He moved away to free himself from the privilege he was born in. He went to college with the help of his parents and didn't feel that Harvard or a degree meant anything. His parents were very privileged, they wanted to buy him a new car and pay for Harvard but McCandless didn't want it. He didn't feel that any of that meant anything to his life, that it was just a way to fulfill his parents wishes and not his. His parents also showed privilege when they arrived at the restaurant to celebrate his graduation a group of men walked in shouting and howling and the mom and dad made remarks such ass "they are going to stay over there right?" and things that made it seem like they would have stood up and want them out of the restaurant if he wanted to he probably could with money. Besides all of that I feel he was not happy and wanted to find his meaning of life without his parents help.

He was passionate about his travels and his great Alaskan trip. He put his all into the trip and told everyone about it. He felt destined to go there and his drive for the trip was pure passion. He was passionate about life and feeling happy about nature and god creations. “You are wrong if you think Joy emanates only or principally from human relationships. God has placed it all around us. It is in everything and anything we might experience. We just have to have the courage to turn against our habitual lifestyle and engage in unconventional living.”
Jon Krakauer, Into the Wild   he knew his life would be different and feel something he had never felt before. He didn't want human love because all that brought was put downs and mother nature was just that and could not intentionally do you wrong, you just have to get to know it.  

Thursday, July 25, 2013

"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken"

The student in the video is standing up for what he believes. He knows that his time is too valuable to be sitting in a classroom with no teaching. He was a drop out, but at 18 decided to go back and so he realized as to why he probably did drop out on the first place. NO TEACHING. It is easy to sit back and let the students learn on their own at times but when a person is fed up like that it must be a constant thing. He like Sara Molinsky from Bread Givers have something in common and that is will power. Like Sara, this young man want an adequate education. They are hungry for knowledge; to be taught something new. This unfortunate event is probably of many students here in the U.S. and the only difference is that no one stands up for it because of authority. School staff members will take part in taking a students side but they will take their fellow colleagues because 1. It will make the school seem bad 2. They might not believe them 3. They them self's don't care. There is a lot of reasons as to why kids don't stand up but what I think what most students feel is being afraid. Some students get bullied for being smart or because they simply like school they might feel as if they stand up they will get even more bullied or become an outcast. There should be more rules and ways to help students find their voice and stand up against teachers like that. I think students should protest against the teachers who are no good and don't teach, its cheating the system and most importantly playing with our future!

America VS Finland

Yet one of the most significant things Sahlberg said passed practically unnoticed. "Oh," he mentioned at one point, "and there are no private schools in Finland."

This notion may seem difficult for an American to digest, but it's true. Only a small number of independent schools exist in Finland, and even they are all publicly financed. None is allowed to charge tuition fees. There are no private universities, either. This means that practically every person in Finland attends public school, whether for pre-K or a Ph.D.


The school's in America are not cared about and looked at more closely. It is sad to see that the U.S. has money for Wars, other country's and not for education. The deficit is not going down anytime time soon, so the government needs to stands up and realize that they spend too much money in others nonsense stuff "We have money for wars but cant feed the poor" -2 Pac its true that the U.S. worries too much about wars than to actually help the economy of schools. Kids are the future and if no one is making it a big out of it who knows if we will ever get the economy up with no jobs.
Most teachers in Finland are unionized and that's one of the reasons as to why a lot of people there choose that carrier over anything else. The benefits are good and are getting paid better, no wonder they are motivated. There's a statistic in the book The Rich and the Rest of Us  it says "Finland's students are ranked number one in the world in science and math. Over 90 percent of Finnish teachers are unionized, and the top graduates of Finland's universities become teachers rather than investment bankers"(118) . Most college graduates in the U.S. don't think about becoming a teacher because there are no jobs in that field and also it very low pay without promised benefits. My mother in law when she was graduating from a University she sat down with a counselor to discuss the path she wanted to take and she wanted to become a teacher...but the counselor told her not to because there was no jobs out. This happened about 40 years ago and still to this day when u tell someone that u want to be a teacher they automatically say don't do it. It is devastating having to see that it was the same like 40 years ago too. The school system has go to change! The government needs to stop neglecting teachers and their studies. More people should want to go into that field because they love it and get paid good and not do it but not get all the benefits needed. As a child your parents are your first teachers but as you get older your expect for your teachers to feel the same about you as your parents on teaching you and nurturing you with the rights elements and fundamentals to survive on your own, because isn't that how life is? You are born alone and die alone so you have to be independent and in order to do that, you have to have the knowledge. I feel that the education system in America sucks! The teachers need to be unionized and be recognized more for their knowledge of being able to teach students that one day will be our future. Also they need to invest more in it... and not only get an education if you go to a private school because in Finland there are no fee's and private schools. The only students that are more ahead here in America are private schools and its not fair because their parents have money they get more attention and more knowledge. Everyone deserves an education and teachers need to be treated better and paid more.

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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Give a little love, it can change someones life.

 Luke 6:31: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

in other words : Treat others as you would like to be treated yourself.

This video shows caring and sometimes that's just what people need. I think that if we can all contribute to it, it can really make someone's day or change their life in that moment. Like Andrade said about the lady that stopped and talk 2 Pac and told him he was important, and she was just a stranger to him but she still took time of her day help out. This video also shows how good karma goes around and its displayed beautifully in the video. Also it shows the boy at the end how he contributed to something good to cover up the wall and everyone else joined in. I feel that if your happy with self than you can later help someone else too.

First thoughts on Jeff Duncan (Andrade)

I believe that a lot of what Duncan says is a very smart and intellectual argument and for some it may defiantly work towards something good. But I feel that in a way its justifying kids behaviors towards violence and failure. I believe if you want change you and only you could help your self. I talk from experience because I my self lived in Oakland, born and raised. I lived in the "Murder Dubs" until I was 12 and moved to san Lorenzo and then moved back to "the deep" Bancroft and 93rd, when I was 18. I lived there alone with my fiancé and new born baby. The reason we moved there was because it was cheap. I honestly regret moving back and having to work multiple jobs and try to go to school and be a teen mom. It got very stressful and dangerous and I ended up dropping out of Chabot my first semester. I didn't have anytime for my daughter and barely got to see my fiancé because of our busy schedules. Living there was horrible... our apartment got shot at and out two cars got shot too. My car had two flat tires and shattered windows and my fiancés car got bullet holes in the back of the car. My apartment had cockroaches and it was small and ugly. Sometimes me and my fiancé didn't have any food because we would spend it on bills, food for the baby.. and one of my jobs I received tips so I had to work extra hard to get tips to bring some food home before my fiancé left to work., and sometimes I only had enough to buy one sandwich and we would split that in half and that would be our only meal for the day and sometimes for 2 days. I was weighing 115 pounds and was below my weight for my height and was really depressed but I feel that it was a wake up call for me. I know how it is to live in poverty to be around people who are no good but I didn't want that to be my daughters future. I did what ever it took to move to San Leandro and  have a better environment for me and my family.

I think if you want change you can defiantly have it. There is no excuses , its a matter if you want to change. I changed and realized it was not a place to raise a family , and you don't need to have a baby to realize that Oakland is no good. A big majority of people do have kids there and don't think about their future. Some people cry to much and try justify that they are black, Mexican and don't have privileges that whites do.... but we all once migrated here and got wealthier by not sitting back and complaining about what we don't have but about what we want to have. You need to set your mind in that will do power because no one else will do it for you. I think some kids don't have that support of mentality but it should be the reason as to why you want to motivated to go out and do the impossible. I did it and so can anyone else. I now can say I have better days and thank god for my fiancé for being there for me. I have been blessed enough to go back to school full time and not work but remember it wasn't always like that............

1. How can we prove to kids and teens that there is a light at the end of the tunnel?
2. How can we show others our story for motivation?
3. Do kids/teens really want to change?
4. Am I the only one who feels this way?
5. Did you ever go through hard times? let me know.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Deal Breakers ; not let misery make ME its company

I feel that school is key to success but sometimes we are faced with obstacles that prevent us from thriving. We all have problems, Issues that need to be addressed but tend to shape our negative mood. For me in order to thrive I have to remember that I must leave all problems out of the door and not let misery make ME its company . A way I found out to alleviate stress was to minimize my daily activity's and set a better schedule to deal with them. For example I took less classes in school and stopped working... I know that for some that may not be an option, but its a suggestion if its possible. I also manage my time in school, I use the time I have in between breaks to do homework or get extra help. I am really bad with math so I try to get that done first. So put what ever it is that you need most help on first and get it over with. I also have a daughter and she my biggest motivation. I know people here that a lot from "teen parents" but its true. Honestly I could not picture myself without her. You are probably wondering then how the fuck are you financially stable? Well I have to say I am blessed to have my fiancé there with me since day one. We talked about school and work and well he has enough to support both of us until I graduate from college. I know there is a lot of moms doing all on their own and I honestly think they are heroes and that's how they should be looked at and not "baby mamas". Well back to the point I feel that school is not impossible because they offer so much help! They have daycare for kids, they have math labs, conversation groups, tutoring, financial aid, it just takes a bit of will power. I think everyone should sit down and write a schedule and go off by that and ask for help when you need it.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

I think people that love art are privileged, we can capture the world differently. -Jocelyn

The Passion Project spoke to me in many different ways. One of them is the love and care teachers show students. I have been at Chabot for 4 semesters now and found some amazing teachers. Teachers you can truly get you help and listen to you. That teacher that is actually teaching you something... something about yourself. This past year 2012 when I started school feeling like I didn't belong because I didn't know anyone or teachers. I did do great in high school...I went to a probation independent studies high school after my sophomore year. I regret not graduating with my class and missing out on prom. So when I came to Chabot I felt like I start over and turn it all around and make the best years out of it. I have made great friends here as well as teachers. In high school I don't ever remember talking to a teacher other than asking about the material, but I guess we are at a maturity level that we can have conversations with teachers and not feel weird or not know what to say. I had never told anyone anything about my life or about the smallest family issue because I'm not very opened about it, but coming here made it easier to let people in on my life. I am not afraid to ask for help here I feel like no one will judge me or make fun of me because I may not know the material. So far I have loved most of my teachers here at Chabot .

I also have dealt with the students of the Passion Project, about picking career... I always thought I wanted to be a nurse. Not to long ago I realized  didn't want to do for the right reasons but for the money. It's not right to take that kind of job when it involves saving people life', that's something that you truly deep in your heart want to help others and are passionate about it. Me, what am I passionate about? I'm passionate about art. I love art in all forms and shapes I enjoy it. Even thought I love it I want to become a Spanish teacher. Thanks to my last Spanish teacher I realized I was good at it and I wanted people to learn something from me. I want to teach kids Spanish, and adults. There's nothing more intriguing to me than learning different languages. Yes, I am a fluent Spanish speaker already but I feel like you just never stop learning. I would to be a Makeup artist, and a Spanish teacher. I look forward to graduating here with an AA in Spanish and transferring later on.

I think people that love art are privileged, we can capture the world differently...