Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Critique Education?

Should a student in the Passion class be asked to critique Education?

Yes, if they feel they are not learning or getting the adequate information given. I felt last semester a professor did not meet the standards I was looking for? I don't want to bash on a professor and be all negative but I just felt she did not like her job or was really teaching anything.. besides that she never came to class and her H.W. was always unclear. Anyways I felt that it was an online class because she was never there. I don't like online classes I pay a teacher to help but the professor did nothing fr me. I really wish teachers would put passion back into their work and not just go for a paycheck and if they don't like their choice of profession maybe not teach because its our future that are at stake and also the younger generation. So far its only professor I felt they did not like their job and I feel like I speak for everyone student that has ever felt that way. I love all the professors I've had so far at Chabot, honestly I do. So maybe we should try to remind teachers the reason as to why they started teaching and give them the drive they once had.

Should a student in a passion class be asked to look into themselves?

This is a tricky one because some students feel as if they don't have a choice. Some students don't have an option...well they do but it comes with negativity from parents. Students rely on their parents still for a home, food, transportation, etc. and know that if they speak up about changing their major or changing beliefs to satisfy their own passion, they may not have the support. Most of us are privileged into being able to decide for ourselves in what direction we want to go and others don't. Its important to be careful about the message going out to these students because for some it may be a good thing and for others it may not. I feel that we should not try to persuade anyone in changing their major because ultimately I feel everyone learns on their own and eventually they will willing change a major or a passion. I think if this done go on and its not looked at carefully it may cause problems with the parents? Also be prepared for those who did change major to have some support from the school to handle it. Its like they say "taking candy from a baby is easy but being smart enough to have a backup". if that makes any sense... see if a student does change major because of this Passion and the parent disowns them, than the school is some what going to be obligated to have some type of backup plan for these kids stay ...or another choice for living on their own. Its a tricky situation I believe because some parents are really old school or its their culture that makes them decide for their kids in which direction they want to go.

North Korea & India

From my last history class my professor told us that in North Korea the government gets to decide the job you are going to get! We had a discussion in class about it last Thursday about India and it system for college decision. Some students in the class said that it depends a lot on your background "Last name" into who you can marry and also how high you score on a test to be admited to the study you will go into in college and eventually determining your job. I feel that North Korea and India have some type of similarity when it comes to jobs.

I think we have it good in America because here there is so many opportunities when it comes to school and choices. I personally never felt like I was pushed into a career that I never wanted to do but I did feel unsure about what Iwanted to do at some point.

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