Thursday, August 1, 2013

Focusing the lasers

I consider my self to be a seeker, because I feel I have everything under control when it comes to getting my GED classes together also getting the right prerequisites to get my AA I want. Coming into college really late in my life, well not that late I'm 21 but some come right after high school. I realized how outdated I felt and felt lost for the longest time when I first started but just after  couple months I felt like I belonged and it was were I had to be. I am very positive when it comes to college. I would have to say I'm the only one in my family to attend college. I have a couple cousins doing vocational school but not an actual college and wanting to get a AA like me. I want to set an example for my little sister and my younger brother that even though I didn't do so great in high school, I am certainly doing better now. I feel like I am a seeker and I guess I cant really explain as to why I feel that way but I do. I love going to school for so many reason: education, meeting new people, books, reading, blogs, and of course to feel good . I am just so happy with school.I feel good where I am at and being a seeker because it makes me feel some what I accomplished. I wouldn't want it any other way. I feel accomplished already just having to step into class because I know it will benefit me for my career and life. like they say "you learn a new thing everyday you just have to find it" and I think its true. Like the other day in class we had a discussion about India and I felt like I learned so much and somehow know it will come in handy one day, such as future essays or discussions. I know life is so beautiful that you do learn something new, even if its just a "life" lesson. I do not want to change categories. I don't want to change myself and feel lost. At this point in my life I feel really certain about what I want to do. I know I meant to teach Spanish to kids. why? because I feel we need more teachers that are more passionate about their teaching and actually want to be able to teach kids as if I were their parents. It is true what they say about that your first teachers are your parents and me being that I am a mother would want my daughters teacher to be passionate and love teaching. It makes a difference in a kids performance. You have to be excited when walking into class and not feel like "omg I have to go to school". I know that I keep my goals and I have my min I set I will stay focused and remain a seeker.

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