Thursday, August 1, 2013


What does success mean to me... it means finishing or getting something that you have worked for and been wanting for a long time.

What helps me succeed... well that there is preschools. Yes, preschools because I would not be where I am at in school if it wasn't for preschools. I have a 2 year old daughter that I have to take to preschool in order for me to attend college. Our community has a lot of preschools that will help family' that are under the "poverty level" and also preschools you can pay for. I feel if it wasn't for those programs no one that has a kid would be able to work or go to school. What prevents my success... I would have to say money because it has to do with everything. To pay for school, books, gas, clothes ,food, preschool, etc. In order to have money you must work and/or attend college and get a good job. Also family because I have to exchange my daughter too when it comes to fiancés work and my school. We have very busy schedules and wish we wouldn't have much stress on our backs but we have to keep doing it for our daughter.

I decided to put this video because I see how success and happiness is different for people. In this movie that guy wanted a job, a career. He was homeless for a while and his wife left him with his son. For him happiness meant a well paid job to provide for his son "to share happiness with his son". In the book Into the Wild McCandless was the opposite of this man. He did not want a good paying job, he did not want to have money and preferred to be homeless. Yet towards the end of his life he realized that in order to really be happy it had to shared with someone. " happiness only real when shared". These two man had very different of what life meant because of their situations? McCandless had everything and finished college and probably could have hold a good job if he wanted to but he was not happy. The guy in this movie which is also a real life event, the man wanted that good paying job and the money and be someone he thought that meant happiness. In conclusion to all of this I feel that do what ever makes you happy even if it means becoming homeless, but if you do have a child maybe that concept should be reconsidered because maybe that may not be happiness to your child.

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