Thursday, July 25, 2013

"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken"

The student in the video is standing up for what he believes. He knows that his time is too valuable to be sitting in a classroom with no teaching. He was a drop out, but at 18 decided to go back and so he realized as to why he probably did drop out on the first place. NO TEACHING. It is easy to sit back and let the students learn on their own at times but when a person is fed up like that it must be a constant thing. He like Sara Molinsky from Bread Givers have something in common and that is will power. Like Sara, this young man want an adequate education. They are hungry for knowledge; to be taught something new. This unfortunate event is probably of many students here in the U.S. and the only difference is that no one stands up for it because of authority. School staff members will take part in taking a students side but they will take their fellow colleagues because 1. It will make the school seem bad 2. They might not believe them 3. They them self's don't care. There is a lot of reasons as to why kids don't stand up but what I think what most students feel is being afraid. Some students get bullied for being smart or because they simply like school they might feel as if they stand up they will get even more bullied or become an outcast. There should be more rules and ways to help students find their voice and stand up against teachers like that. I think students should protest against the teachers who are no good and don't teach, its cheating the system and most importantly playing with our future!

America VS Finland

Yet one of the most significant things Sahlberg said passed practically unnoticed. "Oh," he mentioned at one point, "and there are no private schools in Finland."

This notion may seem difficult for an American to digest, but it's true. Only a small number of independent schools exist in Finland, and even they are all publicly financed. None is allowed to charge tuition fees. There are no private universities, either. This means that practically every person in Finland attends public school, whether for pre-K or a Ph.D.

The school's in America are not cared about and looked at more closely. It is sad to see that the U.S. has money for Wars, other country's and not for education. The deficit is not going down anytime time soon, so the government needs to stands up and realize that they spend too much money in others nonsense stuff "We have money for wars but cant feed the poor" -2 Pac its true that the U.S. worries too much about wars than to actually help the economy of schools. Kids are the future and if no one is making it a big out of it who knows if we will ever get the economy up with no jobs.
Most teachers in Finland are unionized and that's one of the reasons as to why a lot of people there choose that carrier over anything else. The benefits are good and are getting paid better, no wonder they are motivated. There's a statistic in the book The Rich and the Rest of Us  it says "Finland's students are ranked number one in the world in science and math. Over 90 percent of Finnish teachers are unionized, and the top graduates of Finland's universities become teachers rather than investment bankers"(118) . Most college graduates in the U.S. don't think about becoming a teacher because there are no jobs in that field and also it very low pay without promised benefits. My mother in law when she was graduating from a University she sat down with a counselor to discuss the path she wanted to take and she wanted to become a teacher...but the counselor told her not to because there was no jobs out. This happened about 40 years ago and still to this day when u tell someone that u want to be a teacher they automatically say don't do it. It is devastating having to see that it was the same like 40 years ago too. The school system has go to change! The government needs to stop neglecting teachers and their studies. More people should want to go into that field because they love it and get paid good and not do it but not get all the benefits needed. As a child your parents are your first teachers but as you get older your expect for your teachers to feel the same about you as your parents on teaching you and nurturing you with the rights elements and fundamentals to survive on your own, because isn't that how life is? You are born alone and die alone so you have to be independent and in order to do that, you have to have the knowledge. I feel that the education system in America sucks! The teachers need to be unionized and be recognized more for their knowledge of being able to teach students that one day will be our future. Also they need to invest more in it... and not only get an education if you go to a private school because in Finland there are no fee's and private schools. The only students that are more ahead here in America are private schools and its not fair because their parents have money they get more attention and more knowledge. Everyone deserves an education and teachers need to be treated better and paid more.

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