Wednesday, July 17, 2013

I think people that love art are privileged, we can capture the world differently. -Jocelyn

The Passion Project spoke to me in many different ways. One of them is the love and care teachers show students. I have been at Chabot for 4 semesters now and found some amazing teachers. Teachers you can truly get you help and listen to you. That teacher that is actually teaching you something... something about yourself. This past year 2012 when I started school feeling like I didn't belong because I didn't know anyone or teachers. I did do great in high school...I went to a probation independent studies high school after my sophomore year. I regret not graduating with my class and missing out on prom. So when I came to Chabot I felt like I start over and turn it all around and make the best years out of it. I have made great friends here as well as teachers. In high school I don't ever remember talking to a teacher other than asking about the material, but I guess we are at a maturity level that we can have conversations with teachers and not feel weird or not know what to say. I had never told anyone anything about my life or about the smallest family issue because I'm not very opened about it, but coming here made it easier to let people in on my life. I am not afraid to ask for help here I feel like no one will judge me or make fun of me because I may not know the material. So far I have loved most of my teachers here at Chabot .

I also have dealt with the students of the Passion Project, about picking career... I always thought I wanted to be a nurse. Not to long ago I realized  didn't want to do for the right reasons but for the money. It's not right to take that kind of job when it involves saving people life', that's something that you truly deep in your heart want to help others and are passionate about it. Me, what am I passionate about? I'm passionate about art. I love art in all forms and shapes I enjoy it. Even thought I love it I want to become a Spanish teacher. Thanks to my last Spanish teacher I realized I was good at it and I wanted people to learn something from me. I want to teach kids Spanish, and adults. There's nothing more intriguing to me than learning different languages. Yes, I am a fluent Spanish speaker already but I feel like you just never stop learning. I would to be a Makeup artist, and a Spanish teacher. I look forward to graduating here with an AA in Spanish and transferring later on.

I think people that love art are privileged, we can capture the world differently...

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